Jumat, 09 Desember 2011


Diposting oleh Naomi's di 9:11 PM 0 komentar
gak terasa lusa udah mau uas aja-_- tau kan uas?itu loh ujian akhir semester. gue berasa kayak anak pinter masih santai2 belom belajar belajar pun juga baru dikit rrrrrr. gurunya sih yang bikin gak niat belajar apalagi guru mtk... *eh
rasanya pengen cepet2 selesai uas terus bebassss deh mau ngapain aja juga ortu sabodo teing. the problem is...... *ea permasalahannya uas yg ini harus bener2 bagus nilainya ngaruh bgt sih sama kelulusan, bangke gak sih?bangke banget ~.~ tapi semoga aja nilainya bagus2 kalo bisa gak ada yg remed!! udah deh ngarep yang baik2 aja. semoga di beri kemudahan buat nyontek *eh trs di beri kemudahan ngerjain soalnya trs juga bisa konsentrasi penuh. AMIIIIIIN. #mentalpelajar
ohya.....wish me luck yaaa for the exam!!xoxo :p
and buat RICKO gwrs bang!cepet masuk sekolah biar ujiannya gak nyusul. kan gak enak kalo nyusul gabisa nyontek...muehehe


Diposting oleh Naomi's di 9:07 PM 0 komentar
hmm.....kemaren tepatnya hari jum'at tgl 9 des gue sama temen2 berniat buat ngejengukin ricko. hah??ngejengukin??emang ricko kenapa??ok. ricko sakit, yaitu positif.....tipes wkwk. gue&carol mintain sumbangan ke mantan anak 86 buat ricko dan alhamdulilah hasilnya lumayan dikit (?) wk puji juga mintain sumbangan... pas sampe di rs.mitra kita di cegat sama satpam rumah sakit katanya gaboleh ke kamar 303 alias kamarnya ricko. kesel gak?kesel lah~ tapi untung mama&papa nya ricko jemput gue&temen2 jadi bisa deh ke kamar 303 wkwk. ohya...yang ikut itu ada puji,carol dan icha. penasaran setengah mati......muka ricko tuh pas sakit kayak apa and jengjengggg asli mukanya agak pucet di infus pula&&&gue jd agak flashback dikit wkt sakit dulu. untung banget ricko sakitnya ga begitu parah. setelah kita pulang.....vega,novita,nuril,tania dateng ke rs.mitra mereka juga mau ngejengukin ricko jadi kayak ganti2an gitu. andddd ini ada foto ricko waktu sakit

udah deh pokoknya buat ricko, GWRS ya biar bisa cepet masuk sekolah terus main2 lagi kan gak enak kalo dirumah sakit melulu. muehehehe.

ohya satu lagi...GWRS juga buat Mandela!maap ye gung gabisa jengukin soalnya sibuk nih *eh wkwk 

(gambar dapet dari dp bbmnya)

sumpah muka agung melas banget disitu weka-_-cepet sembuh ae deh buat lo gung. Jepry kangen tuh wakaka.

kenapa temen-temen gue pada sakit?lagi musim ya?naomi nya kapan sakit? *eh-_- jangan sampe deh yaowoh. sekian&terimakasih._.

we <3 yaaa!

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Difficult choices

Diposting oleh Naomi's di 7:58 AM 0 komentar
31 desember 2010. i've become yours. and three days later i'm not yours anymore. you said that you love me but guess what? you leave me so soon. you said you had to go because your friends disagree with our relationship. hey boy, this is our relationship not others. you should follow your heart not anyone heart. always remember this quote "a person that truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is" and the point is.....you didn't love me. all of words you ever said are bullshit. ya bullshit. i know you're bored with your life because you didn't have a girlfriend and your friends had a girlfriend/boyfriend. you ashemed because you're the only one who doesn't had a girlfriend HAHA.
but please think for a while, i'm a human i have a heart i can be hurt. you only have a short mind you never think about womens feelings you just want to satisfied yourself without thinking for others. you are selfish boy. so, you say that not from your heart but from your head, you just want to have a girlfriend without have a feeling anymore. for a men in this world, you must remember that a girl will fall hard for you. a girl can't forget about you with a short time, they need more times and if she had a second chance she will be the best for you and try to be perfect. hmm okey, for my ex you must know until now i'm still fall in love with you. i can't forget you eventhough we had a short relationship. the reason why i can't forget you is your mother&my mother. yeah the both of them. your mother always being nice to me and its make me more loves you. and about my mother, she always talking about you eventhough its not important. and she always asked me about you. it sucks dude, i hate this. very hate. and now i'm so confused with my feelings, my head say that i must move on from you but my heart say that i shouldn't be move on. God....what should i do? why i would survive this feelings if he doesn't care anymore. i'm tired so tired, i want to open my heart for other man but i can't! :"( i try to like someone else and its worked for one week and than i......love my ex again! sucks very sucks! hmm..... what should i choose "let it flow this feelings" or "move on" aha! i know, if he doesn't care too i must move on. but if he care i will survive this feeling:") if i didn't have a second chance i just want to be his bestfriend or his moodbooster....
its being nice to be part of your life in the past eventhough you didn't love me. :")

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011


Diposting oleh Naomi's di 6:56 AM 0 komentar
this is how i feel...i can't lie anymore that i love you with all of my heart. but i know you don't feel the same and i know too that you can not be my special one. yeah in the past i've become yours and now it doesn't. i just can't telling you that i'm still in love with you. because, i know you will get il-feel to me and you will hate me. and i don't want if that happened. so, i just can telling to my bestfriend and anyone who i give a confidence. only one hope that i want to be come true. i want to be his friend(again) or his moodbooster. but, what i've got? i've got nothing. be his friend(again) is more difficult than be his enemy. i don't know why i still love him eventhough he ignored me. how poor me..
things that i hate is that her mother being nice to me, but him?not at all.

and finally......

i decided to forget him&move on but I CAN'T. everyone telling me that i can do that if i have a intention and willingness. EASY TO SAY HARD TO DO! i promised to myself that i will forget him&move on. maybe, i just need a time. yeah i need more times. i wish that i can found someone else better than him and love me more. i know, my lord just do the best for me and he's wrote a sweet love story that someday will be happened to me. believe and believe that miracle will be come. i believe that i can found someone else better than him. and for him...he's like a thief, he take out my heart and never returned again. YOU'RE SUCKS BOY! I HATE YOU! *biglies*

i wish that you will read this post and you will regrets what you have done to me. HAHA
only me who's love you like this. nobody else.

Minggu, 27 November 2011


Diposting oleh Naomi's di 6:25 AM 0 komentar
helluu:" mau cerita2 sedikit ya tentang kucing muehehe.

Jadi gue punya kucing namanya BUBI dia itu bisa dibilang apa ya kucing yang setia?hmm mungkin. tp ada satu hal yang bikin gondok yaitu tiap 6 bulan sekali dia pasti bunting. hmm....gue gak ngerti ya kenapa bisa begitu mungkin karna dia nya yg terlalu subur jadi tiap kesundul sekali langsung deh jadi.

dari setiap kucing yang ada dirumah gue itu semuanya hasil pembuahan bubi dengan siapa tau-_-kalo di itung2 anak bubi banyak bgt gapake aja itu pun kalo idup semua. ohyaa.....gue denger2 nih ada program buat kucing biar gak hamil2 terus tuh kalo gak salah namanya di steril deh. gue gak ngerti itu di apain tapi yang jelas katanya itu program manjur tapi........HARGANYA MAHAL BANGET.

dapet duit darimana gue?????katanya sih mahal cuma gue gak tau seberapa mahalnya.HUAHAHA
daripada gue banyak omong yang gak jelas begini mendingan liat2 aja anak kucing hasil sundulan BUBI. cekidot!

ini dia si BUBI masternya pembuatan anak HAHA

ini BAMBI hidup 1 dari 4 bersaudara.

ini CIMENG hidup 1 dari 4 bersaudara.

ini CHEKA&CHEKO umurnya baru sekitar 3 bulanan.

dan ini JASPI

Jaspi gue temuin di sekolah. Nama Jaspi berawal dari nama kelompok ceria gue yaitu "Zazpinesken"-_-haha nah karna nih kucing yang ngerawat anak2 zazpi jadi di kasih nama Jaspi deh. dan salah satu temen gue nyuruh buat ngerawat dia and deal gue bawa dia pulang ke rumah&&gak beberapa lama dia dirumah gue tiba-tiba gue dapet kabar kalo dia ILANG semuanya karna......udahlah gak usah dibahas bikin sakit ati</3

and the last BLACKY&CHACKY sayangnya gue gak ada fotonya. dulu sih ada tapi sekarang udah gak ada karna memory ilang t(-_-t) hmm...blacky itu warnanya item&putih persis banget sama cheko nah kalo chacky dia juga sama persis kayak cimeng warna coklat2 gitu dengan ciri khas di pipinya kayak pake blush on hehehe.

salam kucing,

Selasa, 15 November 2011


Diposting oleh Naomi's di 4:46 AM 0 komentar
hellooooo ini blog gue yg baru....
yg dulu lupa passwordnya&&itu yg kedua kalinya >.< hiks miris sekali
oke enjoy aje ye sama blog gue, kalo gak suka yowes woles aja....muehehe

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